If you just started in Internet Marketing, Solo ads is the fastest and easier way to get visitors to your website – ‘your squeeze page’, where you promote your product or business. Until you learn PPC Marketing, Facebook advertising, and s.o., Solo ads are an easy and fast solution. The advantage of Solo ads is that you don’t need a long process of learning until you get results, but there’s a cost involved. Solo ads involve paying another website to send an email to their mailing list in order to promote your website. So, people opt-in and go into your mailing list and you can promote affiliate products to them in your email follow-up sequence. There are two ways to find Solo ads. Method one is by tapping into other people list. First, you have to establish who is the targeted audience you need for your offer. Then, go on Google and find websites that target a similar audience, if possible in a similar niche. Find a list of potentia...