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The following is a guide with all the steps to be followed in order to termed as GDPR compliant. 1. Creating a data compliance folder on the company's file system. This step is important since it is the foundation of your proof of compliance. It is recommended that every move you take in efforts of achieving GDPR compliance recorded in which might be vital in the future. 2. Document and store information of any internal meetings on matters GDPR and the subsequent decisions made from these GDPR meetings. 3. Have and name a specific data protection personnel. 4. Map all your data. This means that you should state in clear terms which type of data your company collects and where. 5. Separate this data into different distinct categories. 6. Identify specific lawful basis for managing all the different categories of data. 7. Make sure to renew consent where it is necessary. It is crucial that you consult established data processors which ensu...

Building Online Authority By Promoting Yourself

As an entrepreneur for a long term success, you need to start building a personal brand the right way and gain reputation in your niche, which is the most valuable asset you own .   This authority status allows you to amplify your message, convert the audience into higher paying customers and build a great team around.  Once you develop authority, you no longer have to chase sales leads and prospects.  Actually, they will find you and your offers. Possibly, many people look at your offers right now, but they don’t choose you. By converting to an authority position, those people will choose you. Below Are 8 Ways To Promote Yourself As An Expert 1. Videos are an excellent way to connect, engage your prospects, and promote yourself. Record a video to tell them a little about yourself. Place this video on your social media page, on your web site. Tell people a little about yourself. 2. Publish a free e-zine. Use so...

Learn How To Budget And Save Money And Time On YouTube

Budgeting is the process of creating a plan to spend your money wisely and effectively.  Now, it’s the time to set up a budget, and take time to manage your earnings and invest in one of the greatest video platform world-wide, YOUTUBE =➔ Practical Steps to Budget Make a balance between YouTube and your life If you really love what you are doing on your YouTube channel and your want to take your project to another level, go further and earn extra money, then it’s important to look and reconsider how you spend your time. It can make a big difference when you rationally balance the time you spend on YouTube with the resources you have and maybe your other life priorities (family, job,friends..) Here are some simple steps you need to follow when you are budgeting : ● How much time you dedicate to your channel each week ? ● How much time you intend to spend on other activities, like hobbies, friends, family ? ● Is there any possibility to hire someone to help to purchase equipment...

How To Start Advertising On YouTube

Humanity as a whole has witnessed a great progress nearly in all domains especially Advertising.  Life seems so much more comfortable than it used to be a few centuries ago.  With the advancement of Technology, people can have access to different types of products online just by triple clicks. This scientific and technological revolution brought about what is called now YouTube Advertising. First, if you will advertise on YouTube for the first time-picking up one of those ads that appear on your screen before you watch your video, then here is what you should know before you get on board.  This nine-step guide is merely made for beginners to start building a huge YouTube traffic. Step 1 : Create a Google AdWords Account Creating a Google AdWords Account is crucial when it comes to driving traffic to your business, so your ads will be seen by many people. If you already created your account, go to to create a new video ad. Step 2 : Lin...


It will come the time when you have to pitch a concept or an idea related to your business. This article will walk you through a framework to show you how to effectively create a pitch for your channel. You may think of building a collaboration with another channel or you think that your brand would be a perfect fit to represent a product or service. At this stage, it’s important to prepare your pitch which means a verbal summary that describes what you want and what value you may bring? Why you think your idea is worth investing resources in? And what actions you’d like other people to take? When you are preparing your pitch, you need to start with an easy, simple outline of your idea, who your audience is? And why you consider to work with them, and how you can frame with your idea in a way that it shows them that it’s a valuable opportunity. In general, pitching can be a tedious, stressful task, but if you practice your pitch more often you will get better. The key is to t...

4 Simple Ways To Make Money On YouTube

In this article are a few ideas on how making money on YouTube. There are 4 potential ways to make money on YouTube: Google Adsense Program One of the most reliable ways to make money on YouTube is through Google Adsense program. The way this work is simply by monetizing your account on YouTube, then YouTube or Google starts giving you a commission based on the number of views that you get. When you activate the Google Adsense monetization on your videos, you can notice that there are ads on your video. These ads may be found as banners on the side or at the bottom of the video, or just before your video start playing. You can easily create a Google Adsense account; it’s for free at the Adsense website. You should be 18 years or older to create an account. You also need a PayPal account or a bank account, a valid mailing address and other information, so that Adsense can verify who’s behind the screen and who is going to receive money. The only way you can earn mon...